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Don't worry - your mobile number will not be used for any purpose except for this tool and we will dispose of it immediately.

Enter your mobile phone number, select a crypto currency and the fiat currency you want to convert it into.

When you press the button, you get a text with the latest price of your chosen crypto currency.

Clicking the button kicks off a SPARKL transaction which makes this web page, a crypto currency exchange and Twilio SMS service work together to send you a text message.

Instead of the usual black box code, the Sequencing Engine uses Clear Box® configuration to plan the required sequence of events, based on:

  • What machines, applications or systems you have
  • What their capabilities are
  • What results you need
  • distributed1
    Distributed Intelligence

    Visualise exactly how systems work together, and ensure your data is kept local and secure

  • reasoned2
    Reasoned Provisioning

    Spin up secure, on-demand infrastructure to meet the need of business logic, exactly when it's needed

  • audit_trail1
    Tamper-Proof Audit Trail

    Prove the right data crossed the right path to get to the right place, secured by blockchain

SPARKL pricing is based on the number of events logged per day for any given instance of the SPARKL Sequencing Engine.

Events are how SPARKL makes systems work together by moving data, provisioning systems and tracking state.

License Product Code
Maximum events per day
Price per 1000 events
SP-10 Up to 10k events £5.00
SP-100 Up to 100k events £2.78
SP-500 Up to 500k events £2.11
SP-1000 Up to 1m events £1.67
SPARKL volume-based production pricing. For enterprise licensing, contact sales

SPARKL never stops running during your license period - regardless of usage.

It just alerts you with an amber notice if you go over the licensed limit on any day during the period. That's your signal it's time to upgrade your license!

If, after that, the average daily events exceed the limit during the license period, then you get a red notice.

Again, nothing stops or slows down - but after a red notice you'll need to upgrade to the correct license for the current period before we renew at the end of the period.

SPARKL maintenance and product support is included in volume-based pricing. This includes use of our online chat, support tickets and full technical documentation, as well as access to new versions as they become available.

For customers using enterprise licensing, support is optional after the first year in production and is priced at 20% of the annual license price.

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